From BBQ to sushi, how this Fort Worth suburb became a thriving restaurant destination

There is no shortage of great places to dine in the Fort Worth area, and one of the places leading the way is Keller. Appetites from virtually all ...

September 28, 2023
4:22 PM

There is no shortage of great places to dine in the Fort Worth area, and one of the places leading the way is Keller. Appetites from virtually all walks of life can be whetted as the city's growing restaurant scene caters to a plethora of flavor preferences. In the past year, a dozen restaurants have sprung up in the city. Of those, nine have opened their doors in 2023 alone, already matching last year's total restaurant growth with plenty of time to spare. 'Our staff is focused primarily on recruiting local entrepreneurs and smaller regional chains into our community to help set Keller's restaurant scene apart from our neighbors' offerings,' said Mary Culver, Keller's economic development director.

Rick Mauch